Corporate governance

 Corporate governance 

•If Management is about running the business,

Corporate governance is about the seeing that is run properly.


.All companies need managing and governing

• Corporate governance is the way an organization is governed. It is the method by which companies are directed and managed. It is all about balancing individual and societal objectives, as well as, economic and social goals.

• CONDUCT OF BUSINESS in accordance with shareholders desires (maximizing wealth) while confirming to the basic rules of the society embodied in LAW and LOCAL CUSTOM.

History of Corporate Governance in India 

•Corporate governance concept emerged in India after the second half of 1996 due to economic liberalization and deregulation of industry and business.

•The “corporate governance concept” dwells in India from the Arthshastra time instead of CEO at that time there were kings and subjects.

•In India has been for the first time inoculated in the theory under the clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of SEBI 

•various chapters of the Companies Act, 2013 with accounting standards under Section 129 and Section 133 of the Act. 

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