Climber saved from Everest Death zone

Sherpa from Nepal heroically carries stranded climber on his back, rescuing him from the treacherous 'death zone' of Mount Everest.

Nepali Sherpa's Heroic Act: Rescuing Stranded Climber from Mount Everest's 'Death Zone'

In a remarkable display of bravery, a Nepali Sherpa is receiving widespread praise for his courageous rescue of a Malaysian climber in Mount Everest's perilous 'death zone.' This notorious term refers to the treacherous region above 26,247 feet (8,000m) on the world's highest peak.

According to a report from The Independent, Gelje Sherpa, aged 36, was guiding a Chinese client on May 18 when he noticed a stranded Malaysian climber. The climber was desperately clinging to a rope, battling extreme cold and shivering above 8,000m.

Gelje's exceptional strength and endurance were on full display as he shouldered the immense responsibility of carrying the stranded climber on his back for nearly six hours. He persevered through the challenging conditions, finally reaching a camp where the climber could receive vital medical attention. This act of rescue is considered exceedingly rare, given the extreme altitude of the 'death zone' where oxygen levels are dangerously low, causing cells in the human body to perish without supplementary oxygen.

Gelje shared a video of the rescue on Instagram, accompanied by a heartfelt message. 

He explained that during their summit push at approximately 8,300m, he noticed a fellow climber in dire straits, in urgent need of assistance. With no one else coming to the rescue, Gelje made the difficult decision to forego their clients' summit attempt and focus on bringing the stranded climber to safety, preventing him from facing a lonely demise on the unforgiving mountain. Gelje single-handedly carried the climber all the way down to Camp 4, where a rescue team took over. Despite the tremendous physical and emotional toll, Gelje expressed his joy that the climber was alive and recovering in the hospital. Gelje plans to return to the mountain once he has regained his energy, undeterred by the challenges he has faced.

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